Empowering young water entrepreneurs to innovate, connect, and succeed through an intensive bootcamp program, guided by experienced mentors from Vietnam and the Netherlands.

A Journey in Innovation

Vietnam AquaVenture 2023: Where passion meets innovation. Experience the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit in this captivating project gallery. Click on each

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SUIJIN Team’s Pitching Idea

SUIJIN presents a pioneering solution based on “capacitive deionization” (CDI) technology, with the potential to contribute positive effects to the

MegaBreak Team’s Pitching Idea

MegaBreak team proposes a desalination system that filters salt water into fresh water using the bacterium. Let’s discover their vision for

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Future Farm Team’s Pitching Idea

Future Farm’s concept centers around the Circular Economy of Water, uniting IoT technology and renewable energy. Let’s explore their presentation

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VNUF-GWFS Team’s Pitching Idea

VNUF-GWFS introduces an innovative approach to collect and treat domestic wastewater for reuse, incorporating natural materials into their water treatment

VGn Greenwater Team’s Pitching idea

Explore VGn Greenwater’s innovative concept in their presentation, where they propose supporting aquaponic systems with treated wastewater, offering initiative solutions

MekongMind Team’s Pitching idea

Discover their innovative concept for managing freshwater resources for agriculture through the insights shared in their presentation, which showcases their

Pitching Skills

The Power of Pitching In the ever-evolving landscape of the water sector, the ability to pitch ideas effectively is essential

Financing Your Business

Financing Business in the Water Sector In the water sector, understanding how to finance your business is very important. Whether

Negotiation Skills

The Key to Success in the Water Sector Negotiation skills are crucial for entrepreneurs operating in the water sector. In

Poster: Vietnam AquaVenture 2023

Download the official poster of the Vietnam AquaVenture 2023. The poster showcases the essence of the program, inspiring individuals to

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