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Participants of Youth Hackathon co-designing in Minecraft

Concept Solutions by the Youth Hackathon: Bali Raincraft x The 10th World Water Forum Participants

On the prestigious stage of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, teams from the Youth Hackathon: Bali Raincraft took turns showcasing their discussion results during the presentation stage. Various concept solutions were presented, ranging from infrastructural and engineering-based solutions to community-based solutions.

1. Team Masuk Maji

Team Masuk Maji addressed the lack of freshwater access and higher carbon emission issues in the Lapangan Puputan Renon area by proposing to construct water filtration system along with its pipeline, water sprinkler, tap water access around the field area, and additional water management facilities.

2. Team #EatPrayLoveWater

Seeing environmental issues like flooding and poor waste management, as well as social problems mainly related to economic growth and employability, Team #EatPrayLoveWater was motivated to construct water resources management infrastructures, waste sorting bins, and creative market and sustainable tourism initiatives for Renon.

3. Team Ironic

Team Ironic tackled flooding and saline groundwater issues by incorporating an infiltration well, zoning for urban forests and sports and entertainment areas, and an integrated rainwater harvesting system. Additional solutions were also proposed, namely constructing a rest area and water refill station as well as regularly conducting drainage clean-up.

4. Team Trinity

Team Trinity joined forces to create a holistic solution, with WISDOM―Water Integrated Smart Drainage Optimization Management―as their main approach to tackling less effective drainage systems. It is complemented by WDC (WISDOM Day Care), WISDOM Support SMEs, and SENSE (Sensor Enabled Network for Seamless Environmental monitoring).

5. Team Pogung Warriors

Four Civil Engineering students from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, teamed up to form Team Pogung Warriors to address the flooding issue in the Lapangan Puputan Renon. They proposed an enhancement of the field’s soil stability and an early warning system for flood forecasting, as well as an improvement of the water treatment systems and the integration of a new water storage facility.


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