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Navigating the Mid-term Pitching

After the workshop sessions, the teams were assigned to present their idea of water resilience in UNESCO designated areas. The mentor provided them with the checkpoints cards, consisting of case study location, main beneficiary, problem statement and feasible solution. The teams had to develop their idea emphasizing on these considerations.

On 1st and 2nd February, 2024, the teams presented their idea to the experts. Each team presented diverse reflections on water resilience in UNESCO-designated sites, encompassing various aspects of water management and resilience tailored to the specific needs of each UNESCO-designated site. From innovative technological solutions to community-driven initiatives, the proposals showcased the depth of creativity and commitment among the participating teams.

Following the presentations, the jury team gave valuable feedback with a focus on feasibility. This feedback aimed to enhance the proposed solutions, ensuring they were both practical and impactful.

Building on this momentum, the teams were afforded the opportunity to select experts who would mentor them in further developing their ideas. This collaborative approach not only fosters knowledge exchange but also ensures that the proposed solutions are grounded in expertise and real-world applicability.

Teams presenting their idea


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