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Drainage System Measuring Campaign: Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders that have been involved within this measurement campaign:

  1. YCDC: Drainage Department of Thaketa
  2. Community: Ward officer
  3. Measurement Team: Doh Eain + The Water Agency
  4. Volunteers

Volunteer Recruitment

Firstly, volunteers were recruited for this four-day measurement campaign who have experience in surveying and levelling activity. An announcement was made through the Project Team social media page. One volunteer could join the first two days, another one for the 3rd day and the next two volunteers for the last day of the campaign.

Engagement with Ward Officer, Committee members & the community

Secondly, the project team informed the Ward Officer and some of the committee members of the Ward-5 about the activity to carry out safely and peacefully throughout the measurement days. Moreover, the measurement team had well-engaged with the ward community explaining what is going to do and for what purposes. The community cooperated quite well and helped when needed.

Engagement with YCDC: Drainage Department Thaketa

The Project Team also informed the Drainage Department of Thaketa about the activity and requested some contribution from their side. The Drainage Officer committed to contributing human resources from their side and as they promised, they provided two staff every day to the measurement team throughout the whole measurement campaign.

Engagement with Volunteers

Throughout the whole measurement campaign, four volunteers were joining the campaign. One of them has a strong background in the measuring process and all of them were quite active and worked hard. With the help from all of the volunteers, the core measurement team could manage and carry out the measuring process well and successfully.


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