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Concept Solution by Team Trinity

Team Trinity, a team of four with Naufal Budi Laksono, Agil Arief Rachman, Ni Putu Juliyant Ananda Rika Pangastuti, and Beauty Christel Victoryna Komansilan as its members, saw that Renon experienced several issues with detrimental effects on social, economic, and its surrounding environment.

The team joined forces to create a holistic solution, with WISDOM―Water Integrated Smart Drainage Optimization Management―as their main approach to tackling less effective drainage systems. It is complemented by WDC (WISDOM Day Care), WISDOM Support SMEs, and SENSE (Sensor Enabled Network for Seamless Environmental monitoring) to promote inclusivity, economic growth, and climate resilience.

From their solutions, four SDGs were addressed: SDG 6—Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 5—Gender Equality, SDG 8—Decent Work and Economic Growth, and SDG 13—Climate Action. Moreover, by optimising existing solutions by the ITERA Team (one of the participants from the online Bali Raincraft x The 10th World Water Forum program), they wish to make Renon better withstand future climate impacts, fostering sustainable development and stability for generations to come.

See more of Team Trinity’s solutions below:


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