Find the answers to frequently asked questions about UNESCO Water Resilience Challenge 2023.

Don’t worry! Everyone from every major are welcomed to apply.

25 participants will be selected from each country, meaning you will have a chance to meet another 25 participants from another country!

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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
  • Someone asked:
  • Someone asked:
    • ACL replied:
  • Someone asked:
    How many participants will be taken from each country?
    • Asia Climate Lab replied:
      You can apply from everywhere.
    • Asia Climate Lab replied:
      25 participants will be selected from each country, meaning you will have a chance to meet another 25 participants from another country!
  • Someone asked:
    Is there any fee to join the program
    • Asia Climate Lab replied:
      No additional charges apply!

Forum Option 3: Direct Q & A

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