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Snapshot of the Greening module

Learning Session III – Understanding Climate Change and Greening as One of the Solutions

The last learning session began in the third week of the program, started with a Raincraft education module discussing the topic of urban greening. Like the previous sessions, the module was accompanied by a workshop with experts conducted on the 9th of September, 2023, through an online platform. The third part of this learning phase focused on the issue of climate change, which led to extreme weather and flooding events across the Lapangan Puputan Renon area.

Education Module III – Greening

The third module about greening invited the participants to be actively engaged in the learning process, where the participants were first given some games about the effects of climate change. Once they completed the games, they could move to the next stages of the module, in which a drastic difference between a green and an arid zone due to illegal logging was illustrated. Interactively, the participants were required to plant as many trees as possible in that arid zone for reforestation. Other examples of urban greening were then provided to the participants, and a short quiz was subsequently given to close the module.

Figure 1. A Snapshot of Education Module III – Greening

Workshop III – Climate Change

This time, the expert workshop differed slightly from the previous ones, with two experts in one session. Initially, Denia Aulia Syam from Mercy Corps Indonesia (MCI) described the climate change issue from a broader perspective on how it occurs and what impacts it bears on Indonesia. As a Flood Resilience Program Manager and Advocacy Specialist of MCI, Denia continued to explain the efforts to become more resilient to flood, one of the most commonly occurring effects of climate change, through a landscape approach. She uplifted Pekalongan City as the case study, as the city has been the main focus of MCI’s flood resilience program these past few years. Click here to see more on Denia’s presentation.

Following that, the workshop was continued by the second expert, Pudji Untoro from Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), or in English, the National Research and Innovation Agency. As an expert in water and waste processing using advanced technology, Pudji explained the issue of climate shifts through a unique lens, focusing on the technological and scientific side of the issue. He also frequently encouraged young generations to be prepared for this global problem, as the youths are the ones who will take roles and actions in the coming years.

Figure 2. Group Photo from the Workshop III – Climate Change

The third education module and expert workshop marked the end of the learning phase of Bali Raincraft. It is expected that the participants have gained fruitful knowledge that they can utilise during the co-design phase that they go through afterwards. For the next four weeks, the participants collaboratively build their solutions in Minecraft, and the finished designs are anticipated to be presented in October.


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