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Rainwater Harvesting Systems


This course was made to spread the learnings from Thaketa Climate Adaptation Pilot Project. This project takes place in Ward 5 of Thaketa, a township in the city of Yangon. Yangon is a major city in the Ayeyarwady Delta, one of the most vulnerable cities to climate change in South-East Asia, suffering from severe water scarcity and flooding. Within Yangon, the township of Thaketa is among the worst affected. In this project we work with communities to make the ward more climate resilient so it can better cope with future water scarcity & flooding.

As a part of this project we test rain water harvesting at several households and businesses in the ward. In this course, we will use the learnings from this pilots to explain about RWH, its uses and limits and how you can implement RWH in your house, community, business or school.

Target Audience

  • (Young) Professionals
  • (Final year) Students
  • Urban citizens in Myanmar

Learning Objectives

After completing the course participants should be able to

  • Evaluate whether RWH is suitable in their situation by doing an analysis of water demand and supply
  • Design a simple RWH at house or community scale
  • Choose the right materials for the RWH system given local circumstances, prices, and capacity needs
  • Install and maintain a simple RWH at house or community scale

Course Content

Module 1 – Introduction

In this lesson, you will learn about the course structure and what you can expect to learn at the end of the course.

Lesson Content

1.1 – Meet your Instructor


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