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Explore Buffer Area Within The Ward: Stakeholder Engagement

For all the possible interventions related to buffering rainwater, different types of stakeholder engagement would be necessary. Below an overview is given of three aspects of stakeholder engagement for three interventions: 

As for the engagement during the analysis and design for a possible buffer area, the following engagement has taken place: 

  1. With YCDC (during analysis phase; some discussions on which locations would be interesting; what would be possible within the current drainage system and what would not) 
  2. With the community (some discussions on possible locations) 

Would we have been able to develop de design further, much more engagement would have been necessary: 

  • With YCDC 
  • With the community 
  • With direct stakeholders: e.g. owners of the land, users of the land 
  • Construction company 
  • Etc. 

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