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Communal Water Supply Systems: Stakeholder engagement

Role of Community

  • Key consumers of the supplied water 
  • Can have a role in the operation and maintenance of the system, either as individuals or for instance within a committee, a social enterprise or a local business. 

Role of Ward Officer & committee members

  • Facilitating engagement between the community and the project facilitators
  • Supporting the relationship between the community, project facilitators and YCDC  

Role of YCDC

  • Possibly support with materials & implementation 
  • Engage in a conversation/ discussion with our project team on water supply related to Climate Resilience – what can we do to provide residents with enough and good quality water? 
    • engage the community in water supply (local enterprise) 
    • work on a ‘road map’ on water supply; not only piped water but also other ways of water supply 
  • Active role depends on the type of water supply system;
    • on YCDC compound; then use for example a combination of piped water, rainwater and groundwater 
    • possible role in the business model

Role of consortium (Resilience, Waternet)

  • Technical inputs 
  • support in monitoring use and optimizing the system 

Role of local technicians (plumbers)

Expand Individual Rainwater Harvesting Systems through a business model- Implementation
  • Local cost estimation and  implementation
  • role in maintenance

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