Batik, a product of intricate craftsmanship, is meticulously crafted by small-scale, family-owned workshops. The Batik Pekalongan alone accounts for approximately 70% of Indonesia’s domestic batik supply, with a significant portion of its products being marketed in various regions such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Solo.

Source: BPS Kota Pekalongan
On the other hand, the contribution of Batik Pekalongan also relies on the export market. In 2019, Batik Pekalongan managed to achieve exports of 91.44 tons, resulting in an impressive revenue of USD 3.27 million. These exports play a direct and indirect role in contributing to the regional economy. Recognizing its significance, the government is dedicated to boosting foreign market promotion through various batik exhibitions.
Despite the achievements of Pekalongan batik in dominating the domestic market, it is important to note that the batik industry in Pekalongan faces issues such as inadequate entrepreneurship, business management, and registration processes. These issues hinder the full potential growth of the batik industry. Consequently, this leads to a limited economic impact and suboptimal execution of Pekalongan’s batik development initiatives.