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Sharing Workshop Recordings and Presentation Compilation: UNESCO Water Resilience Challenge 2024

Presenting the compiled recordings and presentations from the Sharing Workshop of the UNESCO Water Resilience Challenge 2024. Explore a variety of sessions featuring discussions, presentations, and insights shared during the workshop.

Team AquaCleanse Cambodia

  • Team’s Progress Update
  • Recording

Team AquaGuardian Philippines

  • Team’s Progress Update
  • Recording

Team C_H2O

  • Team’s Progress Update
  • Recording

Team Kemujan Water Group

  • Team’s Progress Update
  • Recording

Team Make Water OK

  • Team’s Progress Update
  • Recording

Team Tim Banyu

  • Recording

Team Ecosolvers

  • Team’s Progress Update
  • Recording for Team Ecosolvers isn’t available as the team couldn’t join the workshop.

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