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Call for participant_UNESCO2023_


Hello, young water leaders!

UNESCO Water Resilience Challenge 2023: Youth Action for Water is now calling for participants! Are you the candidate that we’re looking for? Find the criteria and registration form below.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Having a nationality or currently residing in one of the Southeast Asia countries below:
    • Brunei Darussalam
    • Cambodia
    • Indonesia
    • Lao PDR
    • Malaysia
    • Philippines
    • Singapore
    • Thailand
    • Timor-Leste
    • Vietnam
  • University students from ALL backgrounds aged 18 – 30;
  • Apply as a team of three to four (3-4). The team should ONLY consist of people living/residing in the same country;
  • People with disabilities are encouraged to apply;
  • Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English;
  • Demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their university and/or community;
  • Indicate interest in learning about Water, Climate and Environmental issues, especially in UNESCO-designated sites (Biosphere Reserve, Global Geopark, and Natural World Heritage);
  • Willing to actively participate and be committed to an intensive academic program and project planning.

Application AND Submission Information

Step 1Prepare the required submission materials as listed:

  • Team personnel CVs
    • All CVs should be written in English
    • Maximum one (1) page for each personnel’s CV
    • The team should not only consist of the same gender
  • Proof of active student for each personnel 
    • Example: Academic Transcript 
    • Document should be in English 
  • Initial idea of water solution (abstract/video/infographic) 
    • The teams can choose one between: (1) 250 – 300 words abstract, (2) 1-minute video, or (3) 1-pager infographic
    • The contents should be in English and only include these topics:
        • Team introduction
        • Team’s initial idea of water solution 
        • Select a minimum of one (1) potential UNESCO-designated site*) (can be a Biosphere Reserve, Global Geopark, or Natural World Heritage) in your residing country where you want to implement your idea. 

*) Teams from Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, and Timor-Leste are allowed to choose sites outside UNESCO-designated sites as long as they are natural sites.

Step 2Upload the required submission materials in a folder in any cloud storage you prefer (e.g., Google Drive, One Drive, etc.) and paste the folder link to the Registration Form. Please make sure to change the sharing setting to “anyone with the link can view/edit”.

Step 3: Complete the Registration Form below.

Application Deadline AND Key Dates

The application deadline is on the 13th of January, 2024, at 11:59 PM (GMT +7). Prepare your application requirements thoroughly and mark the important dates! 😉



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    Team Information

    Team Composition

    Member 1 (Team leader)

    Member 2

    Member 3

    Member 4


    To support the selection process, please upload these required files in a folder in any cloud storage you prefer (e.g., Google Drive, One Drive, etc.) and paste the folder link to the space above.

    1. Team personnel CVs;
    2. Proof of active student;
    3. Initial idea of water solution on a 250-300 words abstract, or a one-minute video, or a one- pager infographic (pick one!)
    Please make sure to change the folder sharing setting as "anyone with the link can view/edit".


    Only selected teams will receive an email from us by the latest on the 16th of January, 2024. Kindly double-check that you have submitted the right contact information for the team’s representative, and don’t forget to check your email. 

    If you have further enquiries, check our Frequently Asked Questions

    Best of luck! 


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