Table of Contents

Drainage and Flooding


This course is a part of Thaketa Climate Adaptation pilot project to share our knowledge and experience which we gained through the project. The project focuses on the climate resilience of Thaketa Ward 5 to better adapt to the future water scarcity and flooding with community involvement. We did stakeholder engagement and field study to have better understanding on the local drainage system and flooding issue and worked on the possible technical interventions and soft measures to improve the local drainage system and reduce the flooding in the ward.

Target Audience

  • Final year civil engineering students
  • Post graduate students specialized in water resources engineering field
  • Young engineers who are working in the water resources engineering field
  • City development committee staffs
  • Individuals who are interested in local flooding and improving own drainage system

Learning Objectives

After the course, the participant will:

  • have a better understanding in urban and local flooding issues, drainage system and their elements, things to consider in local drain design, hydraulic models used for flood management.
  • get an idea on calculation of the drain size and choosing the materials and shape in basic drain design.
  • get aware of the things that can be done to improve the drainage system and reduce local flooding not only by hard measures but also by soft solutions.

Course Content

Module 1 – Introduction to the course

This course is created by a team of local and international experts. You will learn different topics related to drainage and flooding not only from our local experiences through the Thaketa Ward 5 project but also knowledge from other international projects. The course is organized by weekly modules and you can finish each module by following learning videos, exercises, and quizzes.

In this module, you will first get to know the instructors and what you can expect through the course.

Lesson Content

1.1 – Meet the instructor, Ms. Yee Mon Thu

1.2 – Meet the instructor, Ms. Weny

1.3 – Meet the Instructor, Mr. Victor Coenen


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