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Integrated Rainwater Harvesting and Community Garden by Team BERLIAN BEKU_Bali Raincraft
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Concept Solution from Team BERLIAN BEKU: Integrated Rainwater Harvesting and Community Garden

Despite the island’s reputation for high annual rainfall due to its tropical location, Bali is grappling with a lack of water, especially in certain areas, including rural and urban communities. As a result, Berlian Beku, a team of five members collaborating with Bali Raincraft, is proposing numerous solutions regarding this challenge by leveraging the Minecraft game to make our solutions not only comprehensible but also user-friendly and highly practical.

The key issues consist of three primary challenges:

  1. Excess Rainwater and Flooding: Bali experiences heavy rainfall during the wet season, which can lead to flooding and damage to buildings. The excess water poses a threat to the community’s well-being and infrastructure.
  2. Scarcity of Healthy Food Resources: Access to fresh, organic food in these water-challenged areas is limited. Communities struggle to secure a consistent source of nutritious sustenance.
  3. Dry Season Water Shortages: Villages in Bali frequently face a severe lack of water supply during the dry season. This can disrupt daily life and agricultural practices, which are central to many residents’ livelihoods.

In response to these urgent problems, our team has developed a multifaceted solution that strives to address each of these challenges. We target the community living near Lapangan Puputan Renon to be the primary beneficiaries of our design proposal, in which we plan to build the mentioned facilities below in the residential and kindergarten areas.

  1. Water Reservoirs for Drought Mitigation: We implement water reservoirs that act as a safeguard, storing excess rainwater during the wet season. This water reserve can then be tapped into during the dry season, ensuring a steady supply of water for communities facing shortages.
  2. Hydroponic Organic Farming: To alleviate the scarcity of healthy food resources, we introduce hydroponic organic farming systems. These innovative methods allow us to cultivate fresh products sustainably, providing communities with a consistent source of nutritious food.
  3. Rainwater Harvesting for Flood Prevention: By setting up rainwater harvesting systems, we aim to divert excess rainwater into the reservoirs, thereby mitigating flooding risks. This strategy not only protects against damage but also helps in optimising water resources.

Minecraft video of our Water Reservoir

Minecraft video of our Hydroponic Organic Farm

Minecraft video of our Rainwater Harvesting

The anticipated outcomes of our project are both promising and far-reaching:

  1. Groundwater Reserve: By skillfully managing the excess water in our reservoirs and allowing it to percolate into the ground, we contribute to maintaining groundwater levels in the area. This supports the local ecosystem and ensures a more stable water supply.
  2. Educational Significance: Our project holds educational value. We have strategically placed our device near a kindergarten, hoping to turn it into a learning showcase for children, fostering an early understanding of advanced water systems and their importance.
  3. Rooftop Gardens for Environmental Impact: Our efforts extend beyond water management. We create rooftop gardens as an innovative measure to reduce CO2 pollution. These gardens are irrigated using water collected from rooftops, effectively promoting sustainability and combating environmental challenges.

To sum up, Berlian Beku is not only addressing the immediate water concerns but also striving to build a more sustainable and resilient future for these communities. Our project reflects a commitment to both environmental preservation and community development, ensuring a brighter, healthier Bali for generations to come.

Check our presentation slide below for further details:

Written by (in alphabetical order): Amanah Syifa’Usaniyah, Jeconiah Hebrew Pistardo Purba, Nickolas Saliem, Septian Dimas Pasaribu, Simatupang Raphael Hotasih


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