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Mid-Point Review: Data collection & analysis

In-person Survey Process

One of the team members provided an orientation to the volunteers on how to conduct a survey with the community and data collection process by using the Kobo Toolbox embedded in a tablet or any mobile device. In the first two days of the in-person survey, we could collect over 65 responses from the exposed group of the ward -5 community.

In the evening, the project team and volunteers gathered at the Ward 5 office and reflected on the survey process, the challenges that volunteers are facing while asking the questionnaire and others, the feedback in the questionnaire where and how to change/edit to improve for the next few days.

Phone Call Survey Process

The last two days was to survey the Direct and General groups; with whom the project team already had their contact. After preparing a stakeholder master sheet for both of those groups together with their contact and assigning the volunteers who to call, the sheet was delivered to them. After two days of phone call survey we interviewed 27 respondents from the Direct group and 26 respondents from the General group.

Results Outcomes

Among the total respondents of 121, 27 are from the Direct group, 26 are from the General group and 66 are from the Exposed group. Data was collected and analyzed using the tool Kobo Toolbox.

Reporting & Future Use

According to the result, especially relating to the flooding and water supply issues, the project team analysed who have interests in the interventions of the projects and decided the potential physical interventions for the coming phase that is also relevant to the community interests.


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