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Teams’ Epic Pitching Adventure

The final day of Vietnam AquaVenture 2023 is drawing nearer and nearer. The teams are ready to present the idea of their initiative projects. Let’s explore what is their dedicated solution for the more sustainable business of the future.

MekongMind Team

The idea of MekongMind is to create a mobile application, which provides essential information about freshwater distribution and other key data in the area. Farmers could connect closely with each other when they adopt this digital transformation. This, in turn, facilitates a more precise analysis of freshwater distribution and tighter management of water usage in the region’s agricultural planning.

Guided by the mentor – Mr. Steven Stermans, Kim Delta, Vietnam

VGn Greenwater Team

This team comes with the idea to support aquaponic systems using treated wastewater. It has the potential to revolutionize sustainability practices by efficiently reusing water resources while nurturing both fish and plants within a single ecosystem. Their aim is to introduce innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate wastewater treatment systems into various industrial settings.

Guided by the mentor – Mr Arjen Roem, SKRETTING, Netherlands


VNUF-GWFS proposes the initiative solution of how to collect and treat to reuse domestic wastewater. The team has devised a solution to address the scarcity of domestic water with the “Laterite greywater filtration system”. The distinguishing feature of this water treatment system is that it leverages locally available natural materials, with laterite as the primary raw material in the filtration system, leading to optimal cost reduction.

Guided by the mentor – Mr Cas Van Schaik , World Waternet , Netherlands

Three Little Fish Team

The methodology of this team involves MBR (Membrane Bio-Reactor) to achieve efficient domestic wastewater treatment. Firstly the water will undergo sedimentation in a settling tank. And then, microorganisms will decompose and filtrate substances of this water in a biological treatment tank. Before being discharged to the environment, it will undergo residual waste treatment. The proposed output standards will comply with column C in Vietnamese standard for effluent wastewater QCVN 13-MT: 2015/BTNMT.

Guided by mentors – Ms Júbia Uchavo & Ms Emenet Ephrem , Resilience, Netherlands

Future Farm Team

Their farming model takes full advantage of the economic value of coffee trees. This focuses on the Circular Economy of Water by flexibly combining IoT science and technology and renewable energy. Smart agricultural technology can minimize pesticide and fertilizer consumption by providing more precise coverage, lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The model will intervene in the process of controlling quality and irrigation flow, and land use efficiency.

Guided by the mentor – Ms Quyen Tran, Organik House Founder , Vietnam

MegaBreak Team

MegaBreak proposes a desalination system employing bacteria. This innovation aims to treat saltwater by converting it to brackish water. The change can enhance efficiency, reducing energy and cost compared to current market offerings. This team aspires to aid Mekong Delta residents in climate resilience and elevating their quality of life.

Guided by mentors – Mr Guus Paardekooper , SkillED, & Mr Peter Prins , Prins water &food consult, Netherlands


The innovative solution of SUIJIN is based on “capacitive deionization” (CDI) technology, not only purifies wastewater but also recovers valuable metals such as phosphorous and lithium. Their technology has been positively received by industry leaders, with 66.7% of surveyed wastewater treatment companies finding SUIJIN’s business model feasible and attractive. SUIJIN’s CDI technology promises a sustainable future for the water treatment industry.

Guided by mentor – Mr Nano Morante , Plastic People Founder , Vietnam


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