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Snapshot of the Water Source Education Module

Learning Session I – Discussing Water Sources and Water Cycle Through an Interactive Method

After the program kick-off on the 12th of August, 2023, learning sessions and knowledge exchange activities marked the first agenda of Bali Raincraft. This initial stage comprises learning through Raincraft Modules (education modules in Minecraft), which match with expert workshops that complement the modules. From the three main water and climate issues uplifted to be the case study for this program, the over-extraction of groundwater and saltwater intrusion became the first topics discussed.

Education Module I – Water Sources

Several days prior to the first expert workshop, the participants were given a module covering the various sources of water, how groundwater becomes saline, and some solutions for it through a Minecraft simulation-semi-game designed and created by The Water Agency. This module contained 15-minute-ish interactive learning materials, where participants talked to a Non-Player Character (NPC) explaining the mentioned topics. A light and fun quiz was provided at the end of the module to ensure that the participants fully comprehended the information given. Through this module, it is in the best interest that the participants obtain the fundamental concept of the subjects before being elaborated further by the expert.

Figure 1. A Snapshot of Education Module I – Water Sources

Workshop I – Sustainable Water Cycle

Following the Raincraft Module, a workshop with the theme of “Sustainable Water Cycle” was conducted on the 26th of August, 2023, through a Zoom Cloud Meeting. The workshop was presented by Christian Alfonsus Liguori, a Hydrologist and Young Water Resources Management Expert with about 6-year of working experience in the field. The workshop ran for 2-hour, discussing diverse aspects of the water cycle, mainly on the sustainable side, that can occupy participants with the knowledge they can bring into play during the co-design stage.

Christian thoroughly explained the subjects from the technical and social side, facilitating the participants to understand that water is connected to almost all sectors of our lives. He emphasised that the key action for a sustainable water cycle is through proper water management, which requires efforts from every party and stakeholder, including us as the community. In the end, a few real cases regarding groundwater extraction and saline groundwater in Indonesia were also provided. For further reference, click here to read Christian’s slides.

Figure 2. Group Photo of Workshop I – Sustainable Water Cycle

The module on water sources and workshop on the water cycle is only one part of the learning sessions of Bali Raincraft. The second and third sessions continue in the subsequent weeks, discussing the other two water and climate issues in Lapangan Puputan Renon, which consists of urban drainage and climate change.


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