We are Water Education Indonesia want to ensure high-quality training and will be provided by water experts from Indonesia, the Netherlands, and other international experts through an online platform, Asia Water Academy. In this edition, Water Education Indonesia provides 12 courses with more than 50 lessons and collaborates with universities, institutions, and professionals across diverse fields. Below is the distinguished group of experts who will be delivering the courses.
Cluster 1: Early Warning System
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Dr. Maurizio Mazzoleni
Assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr. Maurizio Mazzoleni is an assistant professor in human-water dynamics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His work focuses on exploring, unraveling, and quantifying the bidirectional feedback between society and hydrology using advanced modeling tools and global dataset analysis. He is involved in EU projects and various BSc and MSc courses related to water resources management and water-related modeling.
Flood Forecasting, Practical Aspects of Early Warning System, and Case Study

Prof. Dr.Eng Donny Harisuseno, ST., MT
Professor at Brawijaya University
Dr. Eng. Donny Harisuseno, ST., MT., is a lecturer in the Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University. Apart from teaching, he is actively involved in research activities, primarily in the fields of Hydrology, Hydrometeorology, and Watershed Management.
Early Warning Systems and Flood Early Warning System

Christian Alfonsus Liguori
Water Resources Management Expert at Deltares Indonesia
Christian is an Expert at Deltares Indonesia that supports to conduct hydrological analysis, model and simulating the impacts of climate change, providing training on early warning system platform, and developing a water resources information system for Indonesia.
Cluster 2: Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster Risk Reduction Introduction and Flood Risk Assessments

Dr. Hans de Moel
Assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr. Hans de Moel is an assistant professor in the field of water and climate risks at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focuses on natural hazard risk management, climate change, and adaptation.
Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Risk Assessment

Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.T., M.Sc.
Vice Dean at Gadjah Mada University
Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.T., M.Sc., is a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography, Department of Environmental Geography, as well as a researcher at the Disaster Studies Center of Gadjah Mada University. Her research interests focus on disaster issues, the environment, urban development, and sustainable infrastructure.

Utia Suarma, S.Si., M.Sc.
Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University
Utia Suarma serves as a member of the teaching staff in the Department of Environmental Geography within the Faculty of Geography at UGM. Her expertise lies in research and service domains concerning climate change adaptation, hydroclimatology, and hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, tornadoes, and severe weather events. Additionally, Utia has actively participated in research and curriculum development endeavors and has authored numerous studies focusing on hydrological disasters, urban water resources, and forecasting and warning systems.

Dr. Lintang Nur Fadlillah, M.Sc.
Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University
In December 2020, Dr. Lintang became a member of the geography faculty, assuming the role of lecturer with a specialization in hydrology. Her expertise lies particularly in surface hydrology, water quality modeling, sediment modeling, sediment quality, lake hydrology, deltas, and estuaries. Presently, she remains actively engaged as a lecturer at the Laboratory of Hydrology and Environmental Climatology within the Faculty of Geography at Gadjah Mada University.
Cluster 3: Economics of Ecosystem Services
Introduction to Ecosystem Services

Dr. Mark Koetse
Assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr. Mark Koetse is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focuses on environmental and public good economics and bio-economic modeling. He works amongst others on the valuation of ecosystem services and public good provision, with a focus on behavioral and experimental economics.
Payment of Ecosystem Services, Co-investment, and Case Study

Dr. Marije Schaafsma
Assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr. Marije Schaafsma is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Economics Department of the Institute of Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She specializes in analyzing the well-being and welfare effects of ecosystem service changes, using monetary and non-monetary valuation methods. She is a Lead Author on the IPBES values assessment.

Wendy Irwandono Muhammad
PAHALA Project Coordinator at SNV Indonesia
Wendy is the project coordinator for PAHALA (Pangrango Halimun Salak) project to manage water resources and implement a payment for environmental services (PES) scheme across 100 hectares with local farmers in four villages, along with establishing two watershed forums.

Lisa Tanika
Researcher at Rekonvasi Bhumi
Lisa Tanika is a researcher who collaborated with local governments, NGOs, universities, private companies, and communities across Indonesia, especially in agroforestry, payment for ecosystem services (PES), and groundwater.
Payment of Ecosystem Services Approach and Cas Study

Diswandi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor at Mataram University
Diswandi, the vice dean for academic affairs at the University of Mataram, has a keen interest in environmental economics. As a lecturer for economic development studies, his research focuses on prioritizing concepts such as payment for ecosystem services, ecotourism, and sustainable economic development. He has authored numerous papers with case studies, primarily situated on Lombok Island.
Cluster 4: Stakeholder Engagement in River Basin
Water Politics and Governance

Jampel Dell’Angelo
Associate Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
He is an environmental social scientist interested in the political economy of natural resources, in particular water. His research is on the multilevel dimensions of cooperation and conflict over freshwater resources. The focus of his research spans from socio-environmental dynamics of climate change adaption in community irrigation schemes of rural Kenya to global patterns of virtual water appropriation associated with transnational land investments.
Collaborative Planning for climate action and water management in a river basin

Andrew Davidson
Coordinator at International Water Centre
Andrew has three decades of hands-on experience in collaborating on and executing programs focused on climate action and water management within river basins. He has worked across both the community non-government sector and government planning agencies. Andrew has been extensively involved in community engagement efforts, utilizing electronic media, workshops, and public events for consultation purposes.
Citarum Stakeholder Engagement Case Study

Dr. Rr. Dwinanti Rika Marthanty, ST, MT
Senior lecturer at Universitas Indonesia
She is currently working on improving methods for modeling water flow through structures and studying how water moves and pollutants spread in different environments. She is also an active member of several international research organizations and contributes to journals and conferences and also certified as a professional water resources engineer in Indonesia.

Dr. Reni Suwarso
Director at Institute for Democracy, Security and Strategic Studies, University of Indonesia
Dr. Reni Suwarso, a faculty member in the Department of Political Science at the University of Indonesia, holds leadership positions in two research clusters: Democracy and Citizenship, and Urban Water. Presently, she acts as a Principal Co-Investigator for the Citarum action research program in partnership with Monash University and collaborates with the University of Warwick on gender-related issues in informal settlements. Her expertise lies in political academia, political activism, and small-medium business development.